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Yeonmi Park: A Defector's Journey From North Korea

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Yeonmi Park is a North Korean defector who escaped the oppressive regime of the country and has been advocating for human rights since. Her story of escape and survival has inspired people all over the world, and she has become a voice of hope for those who are still living under the brutal dictatorship of North Korea.

The Journey from North Korea

Yeonmi Park was born in 1993 in Hyesan, a city in North Korea near the Chinese border. She grew up in poverty and hunger, as the country was facing widespread famine and economic hardships. Her father worked as a civil servant, and her mother was a nurse, but they struggled to provide for their family.

In 2007, Yeonmi’s father was accused of smuggling and was sentenced to hard labor. The family’s situation became even more dire, and they started considering leaving the country. In 2009, Yeonmi and her mother decided to escape to China, leaving behind Yeonmi’s younger sister and father.

The journey was long and dangerous, as they had to cross the frozen Yalu River and avoid border guards. They eventually made it to China, but their situation didn’t improve. They were sold into human trafficking and had to endure abuse and exploitation.

Becoming a Human Rights Activist

Yeonmi and her mother managed to escape from their captors and eventually made it to South Korea, where they were granted asylum. Yeonmi started speaking out about her experiences in North Korea and the human rights abuses she had witnessed. She has become an advocate for defectors’ rights and has been outspoken about the atrocities committed by the North Korean regime.

Yeonmi has written a memoir about her experiences, called In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom, which has become a bestseller. She has also given speeches at the United Nations and other international forums, raising awareness about the situation in North Korea and advocating for change.

The Impact of Yeonmi Park’s Story

Yeonmi’s story has inspired people all over the world to take action against human rights abuses. She has shown that even in the face of overwhelming adversity, it is possible to survive and thrive. Her message of hope and resilience has resonated with people of all ages and backgrounds.

Yeonmi’s story has also shed light on the situation in North Korea and the human rights abuses that are being committed there. Her advocacy has helped to bring attention to the plight of defectors and the need for change in the country.


Yeonmi Park’s journey from North Korea to becoming a human rights activist has been a powerful inspiration for people all over the world. Her message of hope and resilience has shown that even in the face of overwhelming adversity, it is possible to survive and thrive. Her advocacy for defectors’ rights and the need for change in North Korea has helped to raise awareness about the situation in the country and has inspired others to take action.

Our product bundle for Yeonmi Park includes:

  • Yeonmi Park’s memoir, In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom
  • A donation to Liberty in North Korea, a nonprofit organization that helps defectors escape and resettle
  • A North Korean-themed tote bag, handmade by a defector in South Korea

Features of Yeonmi Park include:

  • A powerful memoir that tells the story of Yeonmi’s journey from North Korea to becoming a human rights activist
  • An inspiring message of hope and resilience, even in the face of overwhelming adversity
  • An advocacy for defectors’ rights and the need for change in North Korea
  • North Korean defector
  • Escaped to China with her mother in 2009
  • Advocate for defectors’ rights
  • Author of the best-selling memoir In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom
  • Speaker at the United Nations and other international forums
  • Donates a portion of her book sales to nonprofit organizations that help defectors

What has Yeonmi Park done to raise awareness about the situation in North Korea?

“Yeonmi Park’s story is a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the need for change in North Korea.” – Ban Ki-moon, Former Secretary-General of the United Nations

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